Monday, April 14, 2014

Hoppy Monday!

Wow, this is the last week before Easter. It's crazy how fast the last part of the school year hops along!

This week I'm targeting pronouns with an adorable craftivity! It's called a basket full of pronouns!
First, I'm not very artistic. I can barely draw a stick figure haha... but I drew my own pattern for this basket. It's really quite simple. After you draw your pattern, cut out as many baskets as you need. If you can't draw your own then simply google "basket pattern" or "basket craft" and a bunch will show up! Then I used a bunch of die-cut Easter eggs in a multitude of colors. On the front of the basket have your students write "she" and then talk about all the people who can be replaced by the pronoun "she." Students then write their female nouns, such as Cinderella, Snow White, Grandmother, etc on their Easter eggs. Flip the basket over and repeat the same sequence with "he."

Once we finished our baskets we talked all about the nouns on our Easter eggs using pronouns. I learned so much about Batman! According to one student "he" is pretty! haha

Here are some finished products created by my sweet kindergarteners:

If you try this craft out in your speech room (or class room!) please comment and let me know how it went! Have a hoppy week!

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