Friday, April 25, 2014

Love It and List It: Behavior Management!

This month, Jenna at Speech Room News is hosting a linky party highlighting one of the most important aspects of our job - behavior management! Let's love it and list it!
1) Sticker/Prize System:

For the past three years I have implemented a sticker system in my speech room. It requires minimum preparation and is effective! I use two sticker charts and I list all of my students according to their grade level. After students obtain five stickers they get to choose a prize from my prize shelf. Occasionally, we run out of stickers and then I just use a sharpie and draw a star instead! When we reach the end of the sticker chart, we simply start back over from the beginning! By the end of the year, there's usually at least two layers of stickers. A hot mess. haha

Here's a picture of the Reward Center and Prize Shelf: 
In order for any behavior management system to work expectations have to be drilled into their little brains! At the beginning of the year, we review expectations prior to every therapy session. It's definitely worth the time, because it sets the tone for the rest of the school year. Setting expectations early and frequently is an investment with great returns! Also, I teach students that I do not just give stickers away - they have to be earned.

2) Picture Schedules:

Picture schedules are a great way to prepare students for everything that is going to occur during therapy. I use them more frequently at the beginning of the year so that students learn our therapy routines. At this point in the year, I only have a couple students who still need this extra structure. My picture schedule is nothing fancy at all! I have printed and laminated large PECS-type pictures (using BoardMaker and Pics for Pecs) and placed magnets on the back. I just line them up on a blackboard. The top picture is the main goal we are working on (ex. easy starts, WH ?s, etc), the second/third picture is our activity(or activities) (color/cut/glue, craft, play doh, etc), and last stickers!
3) First/Then Boards:

In the past I have used first/then boards with my students who have autism. Sorry, I did not have an opportunity to snap a picture of them today! Basically, you give students two or three therapy tasks and if they complete them they get something they want (iPad, computer, etc).

4) An Occasional Bribe:

I'm not above offering an occasional bribe. haha!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm working PRN in the SNF tomorrow. Saturday will be filled with swallowing, cognition, and then later more gardening!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes the occasional bribe! Haha THanks for linking up!
