Sunday, May 4, 2014

How Do You Use It? Linky

I've been linky partying all week long! Today I'm linking up with Speech Time Fun to talk about one of my favorite things - velcro!
Velcro is sticky gold! Here are just a few ways I use it in my speech room:

1) PECS pictures:
I wish I had a nickle for every PECS picture I've created. haha.. I always make pictures in bulk too (ex. 10-15 light spinner pictures, 10 goldfish pictures, etc).

2) Sequencing maps:
I love sequencing maps! It's a very tangible way for students to sequence events.

3) Story Sticks:
Recently, I made my very first story stick! It turned out awesome. Check out my Gruffalo post for more details and a how-to. I plan on making more of these over summer break!

How do you use velcro? Leave a comment and let me know. I'd love to hear your ideas! Also, make sure you check out Speech Time Fun's monthly linky party to check out more ideas! Have a great day!