Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"S...Peachy" Feedback Linky Party!

Nicole at Speech Peeps hosts a monthly linky party that celebrates thoughtful feedback! First, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it when people leave feedback on my products. It means so much that people take time out of their busy days to leave me a comment! I truly appreciate it.

This month featured a HUGE sale on TPT so to celebrate I will select two winners (one person who left feedback on a paid product and one person who left feedback on a free product). If you are selected, please email me at speechissweet@gmail.com and let me know which product you would like for FREE! Choose ANY product! Click HERE to browse my store for your product.

*drum roll*

The winners are......
Thank you Julianne S. and Stephanie L. - I am so thankful for your feedback! Be sure to email me to receive your free product!

Speech Camp: Expressive Language quickly became my best selling product during the sale! Click HERE to check it out. Click HERE to check out my latest freebie - Summer Pronouns.

Have a wonderful day! My school was used as a polling location for Election Day today- so I've been couch potating it up one last time before I kick it into overdrive. 11 more days of school! Eeeek!

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