Sunday, May 25, 2014

Summer Bucket List

Summer break is almost upon us! I just hope I can survive the last couple weeks... I'm currently knee deep in medicaid logs, spur of the moment re-evaluations, and still have quite a few IEP meetings to get done. The next 8 days will be NUTS! But in the meantime, I keep daydreaming about my summer. I'm linking up with Deanna Jump, one of the coolest kindergarten teachers alive, over at Mrs. Jump's Class to talk about the top ten things I want to do this summer! Check out her linky party! Lots of amazing teachers are talking about their summer plans.
1) READ! What else does a speech-language pathologist do for fun? haha.. I fell way behind on my Goodreads Challenge and hope to catch up on it this summer! Here's a look into my to-read list:
2) Put my gym membership to use! I need to get my booty back in shape.... gettin' a late start on my New Years' resolution. Oops.

3) Go to the Cincinnati Zoo on the regular. My boyfriend bought me a zoo pass for Christmas. Best. Present. Ever. I hope to go at least once or twice a week. I LOVE animals and the Zoo is my happy place. The Cincinnati Zoo is also riddled with hills on hills on hills... so it has the added bonus of being another great workout.
Chillin' at the zoo.

4) Find my historic dream home or at least start the search.. It probably won't have a turret, but I can still dream.
5) Eat more fruits and veggies.. IEP season has my diet out of whack.. I can just blame everything on IEP season, right?!

6) Learn to sew - I want to make a cute quilt. Also, I need a new hobby. Here's my "Sew Cute" Pinterest Board. I've been pinning, now I just need to follow through. Pinning is always the first step.

7) Create! I love creating therapy materials! Back in February, I taught myself how and now ideas just keep flowing. I'm excited to have more time to execute them.
8) Write! I want to finish up my other blog pages (about me, therapy, and my speech room sections), write more posts, and maybe start the next great American Novel? haha.. I have lofty goals in life.
9) Laze by the pool... I need some vitamin D, sparkly water, and tanning oil.... err sunscreen in my life.

10) Relax to the max... and live every day like it's Friday.
Friday, all day, every day.

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