Friday, May 9, 2014

Summer Pronouns

What better way to end Teacher Appreciation Week than with a FREEBIE?! Summer is right around the corner and I absolutely cannot wait! I want to take a moment to show my appreciation for all the teachers/speech-language pathologists/counselors/etc out there. I truly appreciate you!

I whipped up this summer pronoun game as a thank you to all the educators who may stumble across my blog! My journey towards speech pathology was a non-traditional one. First, I became an elementary school teacher. So I have a very, very special place in my heart for teachers. My heart melts every time I walk into a classroom. I see the hard work that teachers put forth each and every day. Although, I'm no longer a teacher... in my heart part of me will always be one. I also have a certificate that says so! haha

Without further ado...
You can find this game in my TPT store, here. It addresses: he, she, and they.

Students draw a card and fill in the blank with the correct pronoun. If they are correct they get to keep the card and if they find the beach they get an extra turn! Student with the most cards wins. I don't know about you, but this game makes me want to go to the beach ASAP! Unfortunately, I'm stuck with just the Ohio River for awhile.

I hope everyone had a great Teacher Appreciation Week! If you stopped by my store during the big sale - THANK YOU! I cannot put into words how much I appreciate the support. I'm just so happy that others find my products useful.

Also, I'm linking up with Speechie Freebies this Friday! Check out the FreeBEE Friday Linky Party for more goodies! :)

Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be gardening, working PRN in the SNF, eating lots of Mexican food, and celebrating Mother's Day with my mom.

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