Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Meet Me

Today I decided to join The Teaching Tribune's Monday Meet Me linky party. It's a fun way to discover new bloggers and to get to know them. Check it out!
This week's theme is "thankful." I'm sharing three things that I'm thankful for:

What are you thankful for? Leave a comment - I'd love to get to know you more! Have a wonderful Monday!


  1. Thank you for your comment! I'm starting to read much more than previous years.. I am enjoying it so much. My sister is a speech pathologist! She is working in a hospital right now and is loving it. Such a great occupation!! I'm your newest follower!
    Countless Smart Cookies

    1. That's so awesome! I have friends who work in the hospital setting and love it! I also work PRN at a skilled nursing facility and really enjoy working with adults too! Thanks so much for stopping by :) I'm your newest follower too!

  2. What a cute blog! I love the font that you wrote your meet me in, too! :) I agree---thankful for SUMMERTIME! It's so nice to get that time to recharge! :)
    Mixing it up in Middle

    1. Thank you so much! The font I used is by Kimberly Geswein and it's called "Always a good time." My new favorite! :)

  3. Oh. My. Gosh. You quoted Will Smith. I think we need to be best friends! haha Love it! I am glad you are enjoying your summer!

    Tasha Emmerson
    Confessions of a Tiny Teacher

    1. Will Smith is awesome or should I say The Fresh Prince? haha
