Thursday, July 3, 2014

How Do You Use It?! July: Post-Its

When I saw that Speech Time Fun was hosting a linky party about post-its, I absolutely knew I had to join!
I LOVE post-its! Actually, I may even have a slight problem. Here is my most recent instagram! haha
I use post-its frequently! Here are a few ways you'll see them in my speech room:

Book Maps ~ I think anyone in education can wing a read aloud, but I love making book maps! I go through a book prior to using it in therapy and jot down questions/discussion ideas to use while reading the book. This ensures I create questions that support higher level thinking skills and ones that target a wide range of goals. Usually, I keep the post-its in the book so it'll be mapped out for future sessions too! This is a quick example...most of my books are at school. You can easily take the post-it off then put it back on before you turn the page.... but if that's too much work, you don't have to move them at all. They're truly not as distracting as they look.
Bookmarks ~ Post-Its make very pretty bookmarks! I use them to mark pages that I want to revisit. I can pull a book off of my shelf and immediately know where the good stuff is haha.. They're also a great way to mark important pages in assessment manuals. 
Therapy Outside The Box ~ My students love post-its just as much as me! They are great to engage students in hands-on learning and to spice up therapy. One of the last therapy sessions I recall using post-its targeted synonyms. I gave each student a dry erase board divided up into two sections (ex. big on one side and friend on the other side). They then used post-its to list synonyms instead of using a marker. Post-Its are a great way to do something different.

Planning ~ I use tons of post-its in my planner. They really make important things stand out! I'm currently awaiting my first Erin Condren Life Planner and CANNOT wait to cover it in sticky notes haha

How do you use post-its? Drop a comment and let me know! Thanks for stopping by!

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