Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Articulation Data Sheets (Freebie!)

Happy Tuesday! Today, I want to share how I collect data during articulation therapy!
I'm a dork. I love collecting data and during articulation therapy I try to be as thorough as possible. I like to keep track of exact numbers.. for instance, if a student produces 150 repetitions at the word level during a session I want to know exactly how many productions were correct. In graduate school, I whipped together a little chart to help me keep track of everything. I just spruced it up in PowerPoint to share with you today! 
This chart allows you to keep track of the initial, medial, and final positions at the word, phrase, sentence, and conversation level. I don't keep track of every little thing in therapy, but I like knowing that I could if I wanted to. haha

Here's a quick example with my homies Ned Stark and Harry Potter:
Each time a student takes a turn, I just jot down how many is correct out of 20 or 10 - usually 20, because I'm hard core lol. At the end of the session.. errr many moons later when I plug it into medicaid (haha!) I just calculate the final percentages. Easy. Peasy.

Of course, we all have our own styles for data collection. If you are interested in mine you can download my collection sheet HERE. I'm going to print this out tomorrow and I actually might change the font.. My current one is a simple word document and I've never used this pretty version. If I find anything wrong with it, I'll def re-upload.

Thanks for visiting! Have a wonderful day!

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  1. Great data sheet- I might give it a try :) Thank you!!

  2. Love this idea--the whole group on one sheet. I will be downloading and using! Thanks for linking up :)

  3. I am a tally fiend! I take data each and every speech session. Funny, no one ever looks at my data, but I know I have it when I need it!! I find little pieces of paper all over on any given day. Sometimes I can't remember who the data belongs to! This will definitely streamline my tallying!
