Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Night Before Easter (Plus Freebie!)

It's Wild About Books Wednesday! Each Wednesday, I highlight a new book and discuss ways that it can be used in speech/language therapy! I also invite other bloggers to link up and share their own book ideas. If you're interested, just use the picture at the end of this post to link back to me! Not a blogger? That's okay! I'd love if you would comment with your own ideas!
*This post contains an Amazon Affiliate link*

Around Valentine's Day, I stumbled upon the cutest book! The Night Before Valentine's Day by Natasha Wing. She has an entire series of books that celebrate any and all occasions! They each follow the same pattern which is wonderful for students who are struggling with comprehension! Since it's almost Easter, I wanted to whip up a quick freebie for The Night Before Easter to share with you today.
The first page of this freebie is "A Dab of Comprehension" page. Students answer simple WH questions about the book then they can use a bingo dauber or a marker to color in the circle!
I love incorporating books about the holidays into therapy, because it's an awesome way to help students make text-to-self connections. They can compare the ways they celebrate a holiday with how the characters celebrate. Students will have fun comparing their experiences with Easter with the boy in the book! He caught the Easter Bunny delivering goodies!

This book also has a wonderful description of the Easter Bunny! After reading the book, students can work on recalling the details from the story to describe him!
If you're interested in this freebie you can download it by clicking HERE. Have you used this book in your classroom or speech room? What are your ideas?

If you enjoy my blog-exclusive freebies, don't forget to sign up for my newsletter! I hope that it will eventually become a monthly thing; however, this month got away from me and I wasn't able to send one out. I'll definitely send out an April newsletter with an exclusive freebie! You can sign up HERE.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday! I have two more days until spring break! Whoooo hooooo!

Speech is Sweet

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