Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Very Busy Spider (Plus Freebie!)

Welcome back to Wild About Books Wednesday! If you're new to my blog, each Wednesday I highlight a new book and discuss ways to use that book to enhance speech/langauge! I also invite other teacher/slp bloggers to link up with their own ideas. If you would like to join, just link back to me using the picture at the bottom of this post!

This week I'm talking about one of my favorite Eric Carle books - (aff. link) The Very Busy Spider!
I love using Eric Carle books in my speech room! Although, they're fiction.. they give a non-fiction vibe which I love! If you're not familiar with this selection, it's the story of a sweet little spider and her dedication to spinning her web! The wind blows her onto a farm, where she makes her home. Animal after animal walks by and asks her to hang out... but she never gives into temptation. She's oh so busy! Her work ethic is inspiring! :)

There are a million ways to use this little gem to enhance language. Here are some ideas:
1) Build vocabulary - I work in an urban district and many of my students are not familiar with farm animals. This book has so many farm animals and their corresponding sounds. Perfect for building world knowledge when you can't leave your speech room.. or closet! haha
2) Comparing/Contrast - Discuss the farm animals and talk about how they are alike/different.
3) Verbs - There are so many actions! Each animal asks the spider if she wants to partake in their favorite activity, such as taking a nap or rolling in the mud! Talk about the actions of each farm animal. (ex. The horse likes to eat hay.)
4) Sequencing/Story Retelling - If you have stopped by this little blog on Wild About Books Wednesday in the past, then you know how crucial I think this skill is! I love having print n' go story maps for my favorite books, so I had to make one for this book. It's just one page, so I'd like to share it with you!

There are so many ways to use this puppy! You can place this in a literacy center (listening center, work on writing (visual cues!), etc). It can be sent home for homework to encourage students to retell stories to their family members. If you're in therapy, students can color this sheet as a reinforcement between turns! I usually have a group of three in language therapy. As one of the students is working with me and retelling the story, I instruct the other two students to listen to their classmate for a verbal model while they color their map. I think peer models are wonderful tools! Sometimes, I even have the other two practice retelling the story to each other while they wait to work one-on-one with me.

If you're interested in this little story map, you can download it HERE.

What are your favorite Eric Carle books? My absolute favorite is (aff. link) A House of Hermit Crab... if interested, I have blogged about how to use this book to teach synonyms HERE.

*I included some Amazon Affiliate links. I would never recommend a book that I didn't love!*

Have a wonderful Wednesday! I plan on wrapping up loose ends in my classroom today and then I'll be FREE! Whoo hooo!

Speech is Sweet

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