Monday, December 28, 2015

New Year's Articulation Freebie!

Wow! It's almost 2016! Eeeek! Where has the time gone? 2015 has been a truly magnificent year. I've accomplished many goals and have continued to improve as a speech-language pathologist. I have lots more room to grow, but I do hope 2016 has many more great things in store! Maybe I'll finally start eating healthy and get in semi-shape? haha

I do know one thing. While 2015 was wonderful, it was also one of my most stressful years to date. In the new year, I hope to relax a little more and stay on top of my medicaid billing... just to name a couple things. haha

I have five IEP meetings the first week back, yikes! I needed a little something that was seasonally relevant that would save me some time, so I whipped up a little freebie. I hope it's something that can be useful for you too. The first week back is always unbelievably exhausting for me. I made a New Year's themed articulation packet to ease myself into a new year full of therapy! It can also be used year around, because it's really just a party theme. I'm thinking I will bust this puppy out when a student has a birthday too! I think my students are going to enjoy ringing in a new year of speech!

New Year's Articulation
This packet addresses /k, f, s, l, r/ and even has an open-ended page! On the open-ended page, students just write their target words onto the balloons! You can find it in my TPT store by clicking HERE. Here's a little peek:
I really adore making articulation materials! I have so much fun thinking of new themes and ideas to make therapy more fun & entertaining. If you like this freebie, please consider following my store. I have many new themes planned for 2016 and I'll be offering all new articulation packets for 50% off for the first 48 hours!

Here's a peek at my next packet! Snowman Articulation should be finished and released during the first week of January! Stay tuned! It'll be perfect to use all winter long! Now, if mother nature will just send some snow to the Greater Cincinnati area! Don't hate me, I love snow! haha
Thank you for visiting my little blog! I hope you savor the final moments of your winter break and may the new year bring you much joy!

1 comment:

  1. That is so lovely post on NYE. We just had great time on this NYE. I hosted an outdoor family holiday party and arranged BBQ food. Everything was looking so charming at that venue. Truly we all had great time over there!!
