Wednesday, March 21, 2018

If You Give a Moose a Muffin (Ideas for Speech Therapy!)

I'm head over heels for the If You Give A.... Series! Laura Numeroff is one of my absolute favorite authors. I blog about Mouse all the time, but today is all about Moose!
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It's Wild About Books Wednesday, so let's talk about If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff! 

I love using series in speech therapy. Background knowledge is a huge piece of comprehension. It's so helpful when students with language disorders are already familiar with characters and plots! This book follows the same cause/effect pattern as all of the other books in this series! 

In this story, a boy gives a moose a muffin and then he wants some jam to go with it. This starts an entire series of events in which the moose makes sock puppets and paints a mural. At the end, Moose spies a blackberry bush that reminds him of jam.... and ultimately of muffins! 

There are so many goals you can target with this story! 

1. Adjectives - Moose is artistic, friendly, creative, and spontaneous! You'll definitely want to spend some time on Moose's character traits. 
2. Sequencing - This is such a fun story to sequence! There are so many silly events that build upon one another. 
3. Cause/Effect - I love using this entire series for cause/effect. Everything that happens in this story causes something else to happen! 
4. Compare/Contrast - compare this story to other books in the series (If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, If You Give a Dog a Donut, etc). 
5. Articulation Targets: initial and final /m/ - moose,  muffin, mix, jam, make, more, some, mother, him, much, etc. If you have a student that is working on /m/ then this book is perfect. They can work at the word, sentence, or reading level! You can also target initial and final /s/ (ex. moose, some, sew, sock, loose, sewing, so, scenery, see, etc). 
6. Object Functions - The boy and Moose use lots of different objects throughout the story (ex. needle and thread, paintbrush, sock puppets, sheet, soap, etc). 

Activity ideas:
- Bust out the watercolors and students can paint their own sceneries and then describe their scenes (just like Moose). 
- Cooking activity in the speech room or classroom! Make muffins!
- Bring in sock puppets. Moose creates some sock puppets in the story. Students can act out the story with the puppets.
- Sort buttons - A button is loose and Moose tries to fix it! Get different sizes, shapes, and colors and students can sort them by various attributes (big vs. small buttons, sort by colors, sort by shapes, etc).

Thank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!

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