Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Enemy Pie Speech Therapy Ideas

It's been awhile since my last Wild About Books Wednesday post! It's back to school season, so I thought I would share one of my favorite books about making new friends!
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Enemy Pie by Derek Munson is such a fun book with a surprising twist! The narrator is having a marvelous summer break.... until Jeremy Ross moves into the neighborhood. Jeremy Ross is an amazing pitcher (who strikes the narrator out) and he even has a trampoline (and invited everyone to jump on it, except for the narrator). Jeremy Ross becomes enemy number one! The narrator confides in his dad, who happens to have the perfect antidote for enemies - enemy pie. The recipe is top secret and in order for it to work.... the narrator must first spend an entire day with his enemy!

It's a wonderful story about making new friends! It's perfect for the beginning of the school year or year round! There are so many language skills you can target using this book.

1. Predictions - This book is perfect for working on making predictions! The narrator's dad keeps the recipe top secret! You can work on predicting the ingredients (worms, dirt, snot, etc), its side effects, and what will happen to Jeremy Ross!

2. Social Skills - This is a wonderful book to use in social skills groups or lessons. You can discuss how to make a new friend, how to treat other people, and the importance of giving people chances.

3. Sequencing - You can talk about the steps for making a pie or sequence the events of the narrator's day with Jeremy Ross (ex. first they rode bikes....).

4. Adjectives - Enemy Pie is delicious! This book is full of descriptive words!

5. Compare/Contrast - Students can compare the different characters in the story or even compare themselves to the narrator! The narrator didn't like Jeremy Ross, but he found out that they actually had a lot in common!

6. Craft - You can work on following directions and sequencing as students make their own enemy pies! Check out the pie craft in my blog post about How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the U.S.A.! You can make something very similar to go with this book!

Have you used this book in therapy? What skills did you target?

Thank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!

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