Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Let's Talk About Books Linky and Giveaway!

I'm linking up with Mrs. Jump's Class to talk about books!
A couple Wild About Books Wednesdays ago I talked about Edward the Emu by Sheena Knowles. Today I want to talk about the sequel, Edwina the Emu!
This charming little book is perfect for targeting rhyming, job vocabulary, and even life cycles!

Edwina is shocked when she finds that she laid not one, but TEN eggs!
So like any responsible Emu she decides she must find a job to support her family.
She goes on a wild romp through town.. It's quite an adventure and your students will love it!
She tries her hand... err wing at a variety of jobs. None quite work out.
Ultimately, she decides that there is no where she would rather be than at home in the zoo... with her 10 little emus.
This is a fantastic story about adventure and more than anything else - home.

I'm also going to giveaway a copy of my Edward the Emu Language Companion! To see what's inside just click HERE. To win.. just leave a comment on this blog post and I'll randomly choose a winner next Tuesday! 
Have a wonderful Book Talk Tuesday.. Of course, I'll be back tomorrow for Wild About Books Wednesday!


  1. I've not seen this book before but it looks like one I need to purchase! Your language companion that goes with it looks great as well:)

  2. This is a new one to me. I'll have to check it out because it sounds like a fun one for my kids.

    1. Hi Stephanie! You were the random winner of the giveaway! Please email me at speechissweet@gmail.com and I will send you this book companion. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I don't know these books, they look adorable, though! The illustrations are beautiful and look like they would really lend themselves to discussions of emotions.

  4. I have never heard of this book. I love the illustrations and many goals could be addressed with this book.

  5. I love the idea of this book! Too cute. I have never heard of this book. I think vocab would be a great target.
