Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wordless Wednesdays Linky Party! (Professional Reads)

Two linky parties in one day?! It is indeed a Wild Wednesday. ;)

I'm linking up with Miss DeCarbo over at Sugar and Spice for Wordless Wednesdays! This week is highlighting summer professional development reads. Ya'll know I love books so I had to link up!
I began reading The Brothers and Sisters Learn to Write: Popular Literacies in Childhood and School Cultures by Anne Haas Dyson over spring break and then got crazy busy! I'm so looking forward to finishing this book. I also plan on reading Already Ready: Nurturing Writers in Preschool and Kindergarten by Katie Wood Ray. I'll definitely be posting everything I've learned from these books this summer!
What professional reads do you have planned for this summer? Be sure to check out the linky party for more recommendations!


  1. I am re-reading Lucy Caulkins Writer's Workshop this summer and am in need of a good math book. I would love recommendations :)

    Tasha Emmerson
    Confessions of a Tiny Teacher

    1. I love Lucy Caulkins! That is a great book - I might re-read it too! Unfortunately, I haven't taught math in 6 years and can't recommend anything. :( Wish I could help!

  2. Literacies in Childhood and School Cultures sounds very interesting! Keep us posted!

    Brownbag Academics

  3. I'm reading The Daily 5 and Wondrous Words by Kate Wood Ray. I will also be digging into our new curriculum Making Meaning and Being a Writer by Developmental Studies Center.

    1. Wondrous Words sounds interesting! Sounds like some great selections :)
