Monday, June 16, 2014

Peace, Speech, and Chicken Grease!

I'm so excited about my groovy new theme for therapy! I absolutely fell in love with Melonheadz' hippie and peace themed clip art sets and knew I had to find a way to incorporate them into my speech room.
This groovy expressive language unit contains four different activities and can be found by clicking HERE. This clip art is beyond cute! I think my students will get a real kick out of it.

This adorable card game includes 30 cards plus two mini posters/cue cards. It targets "he," "she," and "they." Students draw a card and fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
Students draw a card and discuss how the two items are alike and different. If student finds a peace sign they get to take an extra turn! Student with the most cards wins! 24 cards included plus two mini posters.
Irregular Plurals:
Man.. I have lots of students who have difficulties with irregular plurals. So I had to make a groovy game for them too! First, the SLP reads the singular sentence and then the student must make the sentence plural. If they are correct they get the card. If their groovy van gets a flat tire they lose all of their cards! 24 cards included plus two mini posters.
Multiple Meaning Words:
This card game is perfect for developing vocabulary! Students will love drawing these groovy themed cards! After a card is drawn a student must provide at least two meanings for the given card. If they find a peace sign, they get an extra turn! Student with the most cards wins! 30 cards included.
I think everyone can use a little extra peace and love in their speech room! haha

Later this week I will be unveiling groovy articulation activities and a receptive language unit. In addition, there will be a very groovy FREEBIE in the near future! Please follow my TPT store to get all of these groovy updates. You can find my store by clicking HERE. Thank you so much for stopping by!

Have an awesome Monday! This is my first official Monday of summer break. Whooo hooo!

Peace out and Bloglovin'

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