Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wordless Wednesdays Linky Party! (Fun with Construction Paper)

I'm linking up again this week with Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice. It's a fun linky party so go check it out and join the fun!
My AC went out the last week of therapy... so I scrapped everything and my articulation groups made whales!
We were sweating, but pretending to be by the ocean helped! Construction paper saved the day!

Although school is out, I still have to go in and finish up medicaid logs. Blah! I'll be all done by Friday.. If only they were made out of construction paper. It would be more fun! How often do you use construction paper? It's a staple in my speech room. My articulation groups do something with construction paper at least every other week.

Have a wonderful day! I'm going to hop out of my pajamas and go write (yes, write... we don't have an online system) medicaid logs. :(


  1. Those are very cute!! I keep a stock pile of assorted colors in my classroom and pull from it often. I have also been known to take my class on a "field trip" to the paper room for impromptu projects. :)
    Teaching Ever After

  2. The whales are adorable! I used to use more construction paper when I taught little kids than what I use with big kids now. We have a pretty good selection of assorted colors though! :)
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Thanks! My selection has dwindled over the year.. but will stock back up during back to school shopping. I'm a sucker for school supplies haha

  3. It's a staple in my class! Wendy 1stgradefireworks 1stgradefireworks
