Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Let's Talk About Books Linky! (Scaffolding with Storybooks)

Today I'm linking up with Deanna Jump over at Mrs. Jump's Class to talk about books! 
Laura M. Justice is my Katy Perry. I want to be like her when I grow up. Who is she? She is a speech-language pathologist who researches early literacy. She's published tons of journal articles and of course, books. She's awesome. Today I'm going to talk about one of the handiest books I own: Scaffolding with Storybooks: A Guide for Enhancing Young Children's Language and Literacy Achievement by Laura M. Justice and Khara L. Pence.
This book is geared for young children and is a perfect resource for preschool and early elementary teachers. I serve K-2, so I love this book! Each chapter focuses on a critical skill for early literacy development. For example, chapter one is entitled "Building Language and Literacy Through Interactive Book Reading." Other chapters address print knowledge, world knowledge, phonological knowledge, alphabet knowledge, etc.

Each chapter includes a narrative explaining research that has been conducted, information about how that particular skill develops, a list of tips to share with parents to support the skill at home, five lessons to support the skill in the classroom, and then a list of ten books that can also be used that will complement the skill. AMAZING RESOURCE!

Then end of the book also has an appendix that contains a cross-referencing chart for all storybooks.This is a great appendix that shows all the storybooks discussed in the book and all the different skills that they can address in therapy or in a classroom.

Here are some sneak peeks:
Tips for Parents
 Lesson Plan
Book List
I highly recommend this book! It's fun to read and reference. Have a wonderful day! Please stop by tomorrow for Wild About Books Wednesday!

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