Monday, February 19, 2018

Easter Books for Speech Therapy

Books are my absolute favorite! They're such a fun and natural way to enhance speech and language skills. I checked my calendar and saw that Easter is a little early this year! So I decided to go ahead and share my Easter book round-up with you!
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Happy Easter, Mouse by Laura Numeroff 
It's no secret. I love Mouse! He's one of my favorite characters. It's the night before Easter and not a creature was stirring... haha... except Mouse was decorating the eggs! He wakes up the next day to find them hidden all over his house! There are so many goals to target with this simple book! 
- Color Vocabulary: This is a wonderful book to work on color adjectives! Students can describe various eggs and talk about their color. 
- Prepositions: Mouse finds eggs under his covers, under the rocking chair, on the table, on the counter, etc 
- Inferencing: Mouse keeps asking "who is hiding all these eggs" and on every page there is a little clue! A bunny tail here and a bunny ear there... students can infer that it's a bunny! 

What's a book round-up without my homies Desmond and Clayton? There's an Easter basket contest in Mouseville and Desmond and Clayton aim to win! They start out working separately and then decide to pair up as a team, as they so often do! 
- Compare/Contrast 
- Social Skills 
- WH Questions 

When I was growing up, Little Critter was my favorite book character! I owned piles and piles of Mercer Mayer books! In this installment, it's Easter and we follow Little Critter throughout his daily events. 
- Sequencing: I love this book for sequencing! First, they go to church, then dye eggs, and have an Easter egg hunt. There isn't a whole lot of text so it's easy to uncover the sequence of events!
- Social Problem Solving: What do you do if someone finds an egg before you? What do you do if someone else finds the same egg? What do you do if someone cries because they didn't find any eggs? 

Here Comes T. Rex Cottontail by Lois G. Grambling 
The Easter Bunny has a cold and entrusts his duty to T. Rex. T. Rex isn't all that great at hopping and breaks all the eggs! His friends scramble (no pun intended haha) to collect more and they get them for nests around the neighborhood (duck eggs, geese eggs, etc). After he delivers all the eggs, they hatch! 
- WH Questions: This is a great book for why questions and where questions! 
- Verbs: hopping, practicing, quacking, honking, etc 
- Compare/Contrast: Compare Peter Cottontail and T.Rex! 

The Easter Bunny and Skunk (his assistant) teach us how to make beautiful eggs! One problem.. Skunk.... Well, when he gets excited he sprays! haha
- Sequencing: Perfect book! They lay out each step clearly and odoriferously! haha 
- Problem Solving: At the end The Easter Bunny uses a clothespin to close his nose! Great problem solving! Students can come up with other ways to deal with the smell too. 
- Compare/Contrast: Skunk and the Easter Bunny are an unlikely duo! They will be fun to compare! 

What are your favorite books to use in Easter themed therapy? Please share! 

Also, I know that not everyone is allowed to use Easter themed materials. No worries! I have a few spring themed round-ups planned! Stay tuned! 

Have a wonderful day! 

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