Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Introducing... The Speech is Sweet Club!

Hello, friends! I'm so excited to announce my latest endeavor - The Speech is Sweet Club! It's been over four and a half years since I started my Speech is Sweet journey and I felt it was finally time to have my own website!
So.. what is it?! It's a membership site designed for pediatric speech-language pathologists! It features a monthly materials library, a resource library, and I'll be adding in new materials all the time! It's a great way to acquire all of my future materials! Let's break it down:

Monthly Library
Right off the bat, you'll have an entire year's worth of therapy planned out for you! Each month you'll receive materials for stuttering, apraxia, phonology, articulation, and language! The stuttering materials come from my Fluency In a Snap series! The apraxia materials rotate between my three apraxia series - Apraxia on the Go, Snip and Stick Apraxia, and Apraxia Printables! Here's a peek at what to expect from Apraxia on the Go:
You'll also get access to all of my Phonology on the Fly packets for your phono kids!
The articulation and language packets will vary each month! There's tons of variety! Your students will love all of the different activities!

Here's a peek inside:
Resource Library
The resource library houses all of the year round materials! It will continue to grow and grow (so will the monthly library)! The resource library will have materials for articulation, apraxia, language, AAC, social skills, stuttering, literacy, phonology, and informational items (like parent and teacher handouts). This library is in the very early stages and currently only features items in the language and articulation sections! Here's a peek inside:

New Resources
As a club member, you'll also receive a brand new therapy packet every single week! When you log in, just scroll down to the recently added section to see what's new!

There is also an exclusive Facebook group for club members! We can collaborate and share ideas on a daily basis!
After nearly two months of preparations, I'm so in love with how everything turned out! I think you'll love being a member!

There are two subscription options:
1) Pay Yearly - This option provides the best savings! It's $180 a year (only $15/month!). This gives you 2.5 months for free!
2) Pay Monthly - This option is only $19 a month!

You can find more information and join by clicking HERE or by visiting!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!

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