Monday, September 24, 2018

October Literature Flip Books

October is my FAVORITE month in the speech room! I love fall themes, it's National Pizza Month, and I'm obsessed with Halloween! There are so many books that are perfect to use in October! Let's take a look at the selection from the October Flipping for Literature packet!
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The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza by Philemon Sturges
Fun fact. I'm obsessed with The Little Red Hen! It's my favorite folktale and I love all the different variations too! This version though? It's my favorite favorite! Maybe it's because I love pizza? Maybe it's because the illustrations are awesome? It's seriously a wonderful book! I LOVE using this book to teach context clues and inferencing too. The Little Red Hen goes to a variety of places such as delicatessen and the hardware store. I love having students look at her shopping carts to figure out what those stores are for. It features fabulous vocabulary words too!

I made a traditional book companion for this story too! I hope to completely update it in 2019, you can find it HERE.

Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson
This book is in my top 10 of all time, for sure! I just love it so much! A friendly witch and her darling cat (because all cats are darling #crazycatlady haha) go flying on a windy evening. The wind blows away her hat, so they fly to the ground to go look for it. A dog runs out of the bushes with her hat and they become instant friends! He asks if she has room on her broom and she invites him along for the ride! The wind blows away more things and she makes even more friends! Eventually, the broom snaps from the weight of all the animals! It's such a fun adventure.... oh and there's a dragon too! I don't want to give it all away, because the story is so precious!

I even made a traditional book companion for it! You can find it HERE.

Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
I adore this story! It's about a baby bat that falls into a bird's nest and gets separated from her mother. She's raised alongside three little birds and tries her best to be just like them. She struggles to be as graceful as her newfound siblings and doesn't quite like eating bugs. It's a great book to use to address comparing/contrasting, because you can talk about how birds and bats are alike and different!  It also has such a wonderful ending, as Stellaluna gets reunited with her mother and bat family.

Crankenstein by Samantha Berger
This is a fun book that explores crankiness! haha! We all get cranky sometimes and this book follows a cranky young boy around! He's not a morning person, so he's cranky in the mornings. He gets cranky on super hot dogs and cranky when he gets sick! He's cranky.... until he meets another Crankenstein and laughs! It's a great book to use to talk about cause/effect and emotions!

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
I could just eat this story up - I love it so! Max gets sent to his room for being mischievous and then imagines a brand new world! His room becomes a forest and it's filled with Wild Things! This book is truly a wild rumpus! Max becomes the king of the Wild Things, but eventually starts to miss him mother. Much to the Wild Things' chagrin, Max sails back to his room and is ready for dinner!
These Literature Flip Book Companions also come with mini booklets (not pictured). Where the Wild Things Are also comes with a miniature party planner and Crankenstein comes with a mini booklet called Happystein! Students have to write about events and scenarios that would make them happy (similar to how Crankenstein talks about scenarios that make kids cranky!). Room on the Broom comes with a mini story telling booklet and the other two book companions feature mini booklets that address story elements!

These interactive companions also come in a year long bundle! It's 50% off and it's a great way to collect literature flip books for 52 different stories! These companions are unique and make reading fun!
Thank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!

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